About Bader

Who We Are:

At Bader, we are more than a movement; we are a collective force for transformative change in Lebanon. We are rooted in the community’s heart, drawing strength from the diversity and resilience of the Lebanese people. Our journey began as a response to the call for transparency, justice, and empowerment, growing into a nationwide initiative for societal betterment.

Our Rich History:

Founded in 2022, Bader has evolved from a small group of activists into a robust organization with a wide network of volunteers and a diverse portfolio of impactful programs. We have become synonymous with hope and progress, a testament to the indomitable spirit of our volunteers and the communities we serve.

Deep Dive into Our Mission:

Bader‘s mission extends beyond the surface-level changes; we are committed to nurturing a culture of accountability, innovation, and inclusiveness. We tackle corruption with unwavering determination, advocate for policy reforms, and lay the foundations for a society where every individual—regardless of gender, age, or background—has the opportunity to flourish.

Our Vision Expanded:

We dream of a Lebanon reborn, a land where prosperity, fairness, and inclusivity aren’t just ideals but realities lived every day. We envision a society where every citizen actively contributes to the nation’s fabric, creating a vibrant, sustainable future for generations to come.

Values that Guide Us:

Our values are the compass that guides our journey. Integrity, transparency, and pragmatism aren’t just words to us; they are commitments we live by. National unity and social justice are the pillars that support our work, while civic engagement and collective action are the forces that drive us forward.

Comprehensive Programs

Delving deeper into our initiatives, Bader runs a multitude of programs each with its unique contribution to our mission

Women's empowerment events and networking

We create spaces for women to lead, innovate, and network, breaking barriers and building a gender-equitable society.

Youth education and sports tournaments

Through these programs, we are nurturing the next generation of leaders and thinkers, promoting physical health, teamwork, and perseverance.

Cultural heritage preservation and concerts

Our cultural programs celebrate and preserve Lebanon's rich heritage, promoting a sense of pride and continuity.

Social welfare campaigns and medical aid

We are on the front lines, offering relief, support, and healthcare access to the most vulnerable, ensuring no one is left behind in our journey towards progress.

Anti-corruption and policy reform initiatives

Our unwavering commitment to integrity is demonstrated in our active fight against corruption and our continuous advocacy for fair and just policies.

Administrative Board of the Bader Movement Association

The association comprises 15 members, with their positions distributed as follows:

Hisham Ahmed Tabbara


Hisham Ahmed Ramadan

Vice President

Jamal Mohammed Sakakini

Chief Secretary

Farid Khaled Yassin

Chief Treasurer

Ghassan Afif Kaaki

Fund Manager

Ahmed Mohammed Qubrusli

Administrative Director

Advisory Members

Saad Eddin Khaled

Advisory Member

Mohammed Adel Al-Kurdi

Advisory Member

Adnan Yassin Shaaban

Advisory Member

Ahmed Khaled Yafawi

Advisory Member

Hala Ibrahim Ramadan

Advisory Member

Zeina Darwish Zamzam

Advisory Member

Ezzeddine Afif Lawand

Advisory Member

Mohammed Hisham Balawzah

Advisory Member

Dr. Marwa Omar Dalati

Advisory Member


It branches into nine committees, which are:

Social Committee

Focuses on fostering community spirit and social interaction among members. Organizes social events, gatherings, and community outreach programs.

Cultural Committee

Dedicated to promoting cultural awareness and appreciation. Plans cultural events, art exhibitions, and educational programs to celebrate diverse traditions and heritage.

Media Committee

Handles all aspects of media and public relations. Responsible for managing communications, press releases, and the organization’s presence on social media and other platforms.

Sports Committee

Encourages physical activity and sportsmanship. Organizes sports events, tournaments, and wellness programs for members and the community.

Foreign Relations Committee

Manages international relationships and collaborations. Focuses on establishing and maintaining partnerships with global organizations and foreign entities.

Educational Committee

Aims to enhance educational opportunities and resources. Develops educational programs, workshops, and seminars on various topics for the benefit of members and the community.

Finance Committee

Oversees the financial management of the organization. Responsible for budgeting, financial planning, and ensuring fiscal responsibility and transparency.

Legal Committee

Provides legal guidance and support. Focuses on ensuring the organization’s activities comply with relevant laws and regulations, and advises on legal matters.

Guidance, Planning, and Monitoring Committee

Tasked with strategic planning and oversight. Ensures the organization's activities align with its mission and goals, and monitors the progress of various projects and initiatives.

Join Bader

Your voice, your hands, and your heart can make a difference. Join us as a volunteer and be part of a community that is reshaping the future of Lebanon. Together, we will hand in hand towards a better tomorrow.

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