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كرمت بادر الخريجين المحليين وأكدت على تعليم الشباب

احتفلت حركة بادر الموجهة للمجتمع بالإنجازات التعليمية للشباب المحلي في حفل تكريمي. نظمت اللجنة الثقافية لبادر الحدث للاعتراف بالطلاب الذين اجتازوا شهادة الثانوية العامة في مختلف التخصصات. أكد فريد ياسين، قائد جمعية بادر، في كلمته الترحيبية على الدور الحيوي الذي يلعبه الشباب المتعلمون في المجتمع وكيف يؤثر نجاحهم على المجتمع. شملت الأجواء الاحتفالية توزيع الشهادات

كرمت بادر الخريجين المحليين وأكدت على تعليم الشباب Read More »

الوزير ياسين يشارك في جلسة التخطيط الاستراتيجي لبادر

بادر المدنية نظمت مؤخرًا ورشة عمل تدريبية تأثيرية في التخطيط الاستراتيجي لأعضاء المجتمع في بيروت. حضر الورشة مفكرون وقادة مرتبطون ببادر، وتم تنظيمها بمشاركة وزير البيئة الدكتور ناصر ياسين. في ختامها، قدمت بادر شهادات تقدير للوزير، الذي تلقى أيضًا درعًا تكريميًا من المنظمة تعكس هذه الورشة التثقيفية رسالة بادر لتمكين الشباب اللبناني وتعزيز قدراتهم. كمنظمة

الوزير ياسين يشارك في جلسة التخطيط الاستراتيجي لبادر Read More »

Minister Yassin Attends Bader Movement’s Strategic Planning Session

The civic-minded Bader Movement recently hosted an impactful “Strategic Planning” training workshop for community members in Beirut. Attended by intellectuals and leaders affiliated with Bader, the workshop was organized with the participation of Minister of Environment Dr. Nasser Yassin. At the conclusion, Bader Movement presented certificates of appreciation to the Minister, who also received an

Minister Yassin Attends Bader Movement’s Strategic Planning Session Read More »

Bader Movement Honors Local Graduates, Underscores Youth Education

The community-oriented Bader Movement celebrated the educational achievements of local youth at an honorary ceremony. Bader’s Cultural Committee organized the event to recognize students who passed the secondary school certificate across various specializations. In his welcome speech, Bader Association leader Farid Yassin emphasized the vital role educated youth play in society and how their success

Bader Movement Honors Local Graduates, Underscores Youth Education Read More »

Bader Movement and CIS Institute Come Together to Serve the Community

Bader Movement has partnered with the CIS Institute to advance their shared goals. At a signing ceremony in Beirut, Bader Movement leaders Dr. George Shalhoub and Engineer Hisham Ramadan formalized the cooperation agreement with CIS Institute founder Professor Hisham Tabbara and director Abdelkader Mikdashi. This strategic partnership between the community-focused Bader Movement and the CIS

Bader Movement and CIS Institute Come Together to Serve the Community Read More »

Badir Movement Cultivates Youth Leadership Through Civic Dialogues

The community-focused Badir Association is engaging young people through its “Youth Annex” program. Recently, the Cultural Committee organized an impactful dialogue session for participants. In the first part, Palestinian history and regional events were discussed to build knowledge. The second part focused on the pivotal role youth can play in community development. Badir Association leaders

Badir Movement Cultivates Youth Leadership Through Civic Dialogues Read More »

Children Thrive in Bader Movement Summer Classes

The community organization Bader Movement has concluded its second free summer program, the Samar Al-Jundi Course, for 2023. For five weeks, children participated in the Bader-organized activities aimed at both entertaining and educating local youth. The program included Islamic education classes as part of Bader Association’s curriculum focused on community growth and enrichment. Through initiatives

Children Thrive in Bader Movement Summer Classes Read More »

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